お気に入りフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
× I'm getting the jitters.
× An expected shipment of 1,000 USB flash drives is past due.
× I nearly jumped out of my skin!
× She always dresses in black.
× Again, I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
× How did you end up in New York?
× Wasabi grows naturally in mountainous areas, and it’s cultivated in the same kind of environment.
× I think reports of the demise of the old-style bookshop are greatly exaggerated.
○ I like trying new things.
× You knocked my socks off!
× Let me get this straight.
× This is appalling!
× I did so-so on the test today.
○ I’ll take you anywhere you want.
× That's a real plus in her book.
× I have butterflies in my stomach.
× Manga use this technique in a highly sophisticated manner.
× I'm lost for words!
× I’m tied up until two.
× She works harder than anybody else on the team.
お気に入りフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
× Things are looking up!
○ No doubt about it.
× We are committed to quality in all aspects of our business.
× I look forward to seeing you again.
× That's a must-see.
× What are you going on a diet for?
× Now let's get going.
× You bet!
× Thank you all for helping.
× Thank you for your hard work.
× Don't get the wrong idea.
× Thank you for being so nice to me!
× It'll be a blast!
○ Shall I walk you home?
× Can I taste it?
× How come you know?
× What's it going for?
× It took more time than I'd expected.
× He was pleased when the test came back negative.
× This is on me.