お気に入りフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
× This vegetable is in season now.
× So what are your plans for this week?
× Let's have some good Japanese food!
○ Careful. It's really hot.
○ It's not open today.
○ My daughter is twelve years old already!
× Do any other branches have it?
× That looks good on you!
○ This dish is pretty good.
○ Let's order drinks.
○ Put this in this.
○ The most expensive suite is one million yen per night.
○ How do you spell that?
× Is there anything that you don't eat?
× That's a tall order!
○ I'm looking for a particular tea.
× I got in touch with him.
× What color goes with that jacket?