お気に入りフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ Are you going to the airport?
○ Is there anything that you don't eat?
× It's at the end of that street.
× There's a supermarket next to the train station.
× It depends on when you go.
○ Have a seat.
× (It's) Great to finally meet you.
○ I'm an outdoor person.
○ How do you spell that?
○ This dish is pretty good.
○ He's quiet.
× Take the train after the next train.
○ My cat gets scared easily.
○ He's considerate.
× Do any other branches have it?
○ Do you come here often?
× I'm going that way too.
× May I have one more bag?
○ This vegetable is in season now.
× It's right next to the escalator.