前の日nikonikoさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
× When you put it in the washing machine, take off the helmet!
× Could you put them in separate bags?
○ Can I taste it?
× Thank you all for helping.
× That is absurd!
× That's very becoming on him!
○ Can you give me a little discount?
× In my eyes Pookie can do no wrong.
× She grew increasingly frustrated by his irresponsible attitude.
× How can I eat them?
× You bet!
× That sounds exciting.
× It's a little over my budget.
× There are so many things to do!
× When negotiations start, we'll see what the other side brings to the table.
× Great joy lingers on, no matter how much time has elapsed. The desire to feel that joy again is what keeps you going.
× I stand corrected.
× Sorry about the mess.
× Easier said than done.
× But as it's often said, charity begins at home.