Heute bin ich frei. Keine Arbeit und keine Pläne. Ich bin später als immer aufgestanden. Es regnete stark. Nach dem Frühstück habe ich Französich gelernt. Am Nachmittag hörte es auf zu regen. Ich habe für eine Weile gärtnert. Ich habe Bsilikumsauce mit frischem Basil aus meinem Garten gemacht. Am abend habe ich ein entspannendes Bad genommen. Ich habe mich ganz entspannt.
Il pleuvait ce matin. J'ai étudié Français en matinée. C'était difficile. La pluie s'est arrêtée après-midi. J'ai fait du fardinage. J'ai cueilli du basilic, et j'ai fait de la sauce basilic. J'e pris un bain relaxant. Je me suis bien reposée.
I had no plan today, which is unusual to me. It was eight o'clock when I woke up. Oh, I overslept! Actually, I woke up and went to the loo before the crack of dawn. Luckily, I fell asleep again soon. It was raining when I got up. I could do nothing but stay home. After substantial breakfast, I studied French for a few hours. I had skipped studying French for several days again. That's why I'm far behind schedule. It stopped raining around the noon. I went out into my front yard and do some gardening. I pulled out basil and prepared for sowing salads. I made basil sauce with the basil leaves fresh from my kitchen garden. I felt happy to be surrounded by the aroma of basil. Before supper, I took a long soak in a hot bath with 湯の花 powder which my daughter had given me from 小谷温泉 last month. Oh, I didn't tell you that my daughter came home to eat いくら丼 the end of last month! At that time, I had been suffering a heavy 副鼻腔炎 and wrote just sort diaries. Anyway, I'm glad to have my daughter, my son and his wife have my いくら丼 this year as usual. I drank a can of beer and now I'm sipping my homemade umeshu. It's a once-a-week treat to myself.
Thank you for your comments.
久しぶりに何の予定もない日曜日。 数日サボっていたフランス語を勉強し、ずっと気になっていたバジルソースを作って冷凍し、ゴガ友さんたちの日記を訪問し、のんびり小谷温泉(の素)に浸かって、夕飯のお供のビールとゴガクルしながらの梅酒のオンザロック。 何とも平和な日曜日。
I am glad that you spent a quiet weekend for the first time in a long time.
My wireless equipment on the laptop is not in good condition and my son came and adjusted it, but I plan to ask for a specialist.
You studied hard today.
It is wonderful.
You studied for several hours.
It's a big deal.
I'm not studying English.
I would like to learn from you.