Ich ging den HNO-Arzt besucht. In der Apotheke hat eine alte Frau mir gefragt, ob es einen Obstladen in der Nähe gab. Sie war sehr alt, und hat schwächlisch ausgesehen. Ich habe sie zum Obstladen mit genommen. Sie sagte, "Ich möchte Buntan essen." Ich wußte nicht, ob es Buntan im Obstladen gab. Zum Glück haben wir große schöne Buntan gefunden. Aber das kostete 1000 yen! Wunderbar! Aber sie hat daüber sehr gefreut, und she hat einen gekauft. Ich bin mit ihr zur Apotheke zrückgegangen, weil she dort auf jemanden warten mußte.
Je suis allée au l'ORL. Une vielle femme m'a demandé s'il ya avait un magasin de fruits par ici. J'ai emmné la femme au magasin, et J'ai aidée à faire ses courses. Elle a acheté un gross buntan. Elle a l'air très heureuse.
I went to see the ENT doctor for 副鼻腔炎. I've almost recovered, but the doctor suggested that I should take the medicine for allergy for a while. At the pharmacy, I was talked to by an eldary woman. She asked me if there is a fruits shop near there. Judging from her appearance, she cant walk too long. So I told her the nearest one in the shopping mall by the station. She said, "I've wanted to eat buntan since I watched on TV". The clerk at the pharmacy told her to come back in one 45 minutes because a helper from "お出かけ支援センター”would come to pick her up. I thought she could make it. So, I decided to take her to the fruits shop and take her back to the pharmacy in time. I wasn't sure if there was a buntan there, though. I walked to the station mall with her slowly, listening to her talking. Luckily, we found nice looking buntan at the shop. But the price was eye-popping. 1000 yen for a buntan! She didn't care the price. She was delighted and took out one thousand bill from her purse, saying "I've really wanted to have it. I'm so glad to get one." Then, I took her back to the pharmacy. She said, "Thank you so much" many times. The clerk was relieved and thanked me too. I hope the buntan she bought is delicious.
Thank you for your comments.
どうやら、市の福祉の一環で、お年寄りの外出をサポートするサービスがあるらしい。 私が出会ったご婦人は、手押し車がないと歩けないため、バスに乗るのが困難なので、病院への送り迎えをお願いしているそうだ。 ずっと食べたかった文旦を自分で買いに行けて喜んでいたが、あまりの値段の高さにびっくり。 一個千円でもひるまずに、大喜びで購入する姿を見て、食べたいときに食べたいものを食べられる幸せというのがあるんだなあと、つくづく思った。 旬になれば、農協の直販所などでもっと安く売られるのにと思ったが、買いに行けないだろうなあと・・・。
Bunntann costs 1,000 yen each.
I am surprised .
No matter how much I want to eat it, I don't want to spend 1,000 yen to buy one Bunntann.