・・・・・・・・My Diary(平昌オリンピック開催)・・・・・・・・・
日本選手団は124名である。オリンピックは「参加することに意味がある」ともいわれる。タテマエはそうかもしれないが、やはり勝ってほしい。 “頑張れ、日本!”
The PyeongChang Olympics began. I looked at the state of the opening ceremony on TV last night
It was gorgeous direction, but players seemed to be cold
After all the highlight was entrance of the north and south combination Korea team.
The dispute between the city-states of ancient Greece continued each other.
However, contestants participated in Olympia competition from each city. Each city concluded a truce agreement during Olympia competition period.
The participation of North Korea suggests the truce agreement of the ancient Olympia competition
Only the adult male participated in ancient Olympia competition. All contestants played a game nakedly
The picture of the fresco and pot of then shows it. It was to show that they did not carry weapons.
They wished to be fair with one another.
There are many examples which the fairness and justice are doubtful in the recent Olympics.
The participation of Russia was not accepted for the reason of the issue of doping.
Japan's national team has 124 athletes “Keep going! Japan!”
私も ”頑張れ、日本!” と 言いながら 応援しております。