"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(aug.30'24)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)
McNair, Cottman, and I had a dinner at a little restaurant near the station and by cautious questioning discovered that the restaurant - keeper was a C.N.T. member and friendly.He let us a three-bedded room and forgot warn the police. It was the first time in five nights that I had been able to sleep with my clothes off.
Next morning my wife slipped out of the hotel successfully. The train was about an hour late in starting. I filled in the time by writing a long letter to the Ministry of War, telling them about Koop's case - that without a doubt he had been arrested by mistake, that he was urgently needed at the front, that countless people would testify that he was innocent of any offence, etc., etc., etc. I wonder if anyone read that letter, written on pages torn out of a note-book in wobbly handwriting (my fingers were still partly paralysed) and still more wobbly Spanish.At any rate, neither this letter nor anything else took effect.
あくる朝、妻はうまくホテルを脱け出してきた。記者は一時間あまり遅れて発車した。その一時間あまりのあいだに、私は、陸軍省宛に、コップの事件のことを述べた長い手紙を書いた ー 彼が誤って逮捕されたことは疑問の余地がないこと、前線では彼を緊急必要としていること、彼の完全な潔白を証明する人が無数にいること、等々をしたためた。ノートを引きちぎった紙に、それもあぶなっかしい字で(指がまだいくぶん麻痺していたからなのだが)、さらにいっそうあぶなっかしいスペイン語で書いてあるこの手紙を、いったいだれが読んでくれるかな、と心もとない気がした。
As I write, six months after the event, Koop(if he has not been shot) is still in jail, untried and uncharged. At the beginning we had two or three letters from him, smuggled out by released prisoners and posted in France. They all told the same story - imprisonment in filthy dark dens, bad and insufficient food, serious illness due to the conditions of imprisonment, and refusal of medical attention. I have had all this confirmed from several other sources, English and French. More recently he disappeared into one of the 'secret prisons' with which it seems impossible to make any kind of communication. His case is the case of scores or hundreds of foreigners and no one knows how many thousands of Spaniards.
ともかく、この手紙も、ほかのどんな手段もどんな手段も、まったくききめがなかった。事件後六か月たって、これを書いている今も、コップは(まだ銃殺されていないものとしての話だが)、裁判もされず、起訴もされないまま、依然として獄中にあるのだ。初めのころは、二、三回便りをもらった。釈放された人が、こっそりことづかって、フランスで投函したものだった。どの手紙にも、みんな同じこと ー 不潔な暗い穴ぐらにとじこめられていること、食事が悪く、しかも足りないこと、獄中の状態がひどいので病気が悪化していくこと、医者の手当が拒否されていること ー が書いてあった。この事実は、すべて、イギリス、フランス双方のいくつかの筋から確認ずみである。もっと最近では、彼は、まったく連絡不能とみられる「秘密監獄」のどこかへ消えたようだ。彼と同じ目にあっている外国人はずいぶん多いし、スペイン人となると、どれだけいるのか、さっぱり見当もつかない。
In the end we crossed the frontier without incident. The train had a first class and a dinning-car, the first I had seen in Spain. Until recently there had been only one class on the trains in Catalonia. Two detectives came round the train taking the names of foreigners, but when they saw us in the dinig-car they seemed satisfied that we were respectable. It was queer how everything had changed. Only six months ago, when the Anarchists still reigned, it was looking like a proletarian that made you respectable. On the way down from Perpinan to Cerberes a French commercial traveler in my carriage had said to me in all solemnity:; 'You mustn't go into Spain looking like that. Take off that collar and tie. They'll tear them off you in Barcelona.' He was exaggerating, but it showed how Catalonia was regarded.