"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(oct.2'24)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)
And at the fontier the Anarchist guards had turned back a smartly dressed Frenchman and his wife, solely - I think - because they looks too bourgeois.
そして、事実、国境でも、アナーキストの警備兵が ー おそらく ー 身なりがあまりにも富裕階級(ブルジョワ)的すぎたためなのだろう ー スマートな身なりのフランス人夫婦を追い返していた。
Now it was the other way about; to look bourgeois was the one salvation. At the passport office they looked us up in the card - index of suspects, but thanks to inefficiency of the police our names were not listed, not even McNair's. We were searched from head to foot, but we possessed nothing incriminating, except my discharge - papers, and the carabineros who searched me did not know that the 29th division was the P.O.U.M. So we slipped through the barrier, and after just six months I was on French soil again. My only souvenirs of Spain were a goatskin water-bottle and one of those tiny iron lamps in which the Aragon peasants bum olive oil - lamps almost exactly the shape of the terracotta lamps that the Roman used two thousand years ago - which I had picked up in some ruined hut, and which had somehow got stuck in my luggage.
ところが、今はまったくくあべこべになり、富裕階級(ブルジョワ)らしくみえることが何よりの救いなのだ。旅券検査所では、われわれが、容疑者のカード索引にのっているかどうか調べられたが、警察の能率の悪さのおかげで、われわれの名前はもとより、マックネアの名前さえのっていなかった。われわれは頭のてっぺんから足のつま先まで調べられたが、私は除隊許可証のほかに、うさん臭い何ひとつ持っていなかった。そして、私を取り調べていた国境監視兵(カラビネロ)は、第二十九師団がPOUMであることを知らなかった. そういうわけで、われわれは難関を通り抜け、ちょうど六か月ぶりに、ふたたびフランスの土を踏んだのだった。私のわずかなスペイン土産(みやげ)は、山羊皮の水筒と、私がどこかのあばら屋の廃墟から拾ってきて、何となく荷物の中へつっこんでおいた ー 二千年前のローマ人の赤土素焼き(テラコッタ)のランプとほとんどそっくりの格好だ ー アラゴン地方の農民たちが、オリーブ油を燃やす、あのちっぽけな鉄製のランプがが一個だけである。
After all, it turned out that we had come away none too soon. They very first newspaper we saw announced McNair's arrest for espionage. The Spanish authorities had been a little premature in announcing this. Fortunately, "Trotskyism is not extraditable.
I wonder what is the appropriate first action when you come from a country at war and set foot on peaceful soil.