Ⅰ.基礎英語 in English Topic 17, Day2
[Topic 17: What is your best childhood memory?]
Q1. When Mei was little, where did her friend Yui live?
A. She lives around the corner from Mei.
Q2. What happened when Mei and Yui found Mei’s mother’s makeup?
A. They put on way too much lipstick and eye shadow and everything.
〇What would you say?……[What is your best childhood memory?]に対して
□ One unforgettable day, [we found my mom’s makeup.]
□ I’ll always remember [when I made my dad laugh.]
When Mei was little, she and her best friend Yui found her mother’s makeup.
They put on too much of everything.
〇Open-ended Question
[What kind of fun activities did you do when you were a child?]
Moeno: I stayed at my friend’s house and cooked together.
Ⅱ.ラジオ英会話 Lesson 162 現在完了進行形(ずっと~している)
●Dialog 《メーガン(M)とアントンが、キンゾウ(K)のアパートを訪れる》
M: Wow, this is a nice apartment, Kinzo. I wish I had a place like this.
K: Thank you. It suits my needs well.
M: How long have you been living here?
K: I have been living here for about six months now.
M: Do you like living in England?
K: Yes, there is much to learn. Everything is very different from Japan.
M: Tell me what you’ve been learning.
K: I have been learning the rules of chess. Nobody here knows about shogi.
M: Not yet, at least.
□ suit ~に合う
□ 仮定法
I wish I had a place like this. (このような場所を持っていたらいいのに。)
□ 大きなwh語
How long have you been living here?
〇Target Forms……現在完了進行形
I have been learning the rules of chess.
① I have been living here for about six months now.
② I’ve been cooking all day. (一日中、私は料理をしています。)
She’s been shopping all day. (一日中、私は買い物をしています。)
③ Tell me what you’ve been learning. (あなたが何を学んできたか教えて下さい。)
1.I’ve been drinking the same coffee for years. I’m ready to try something new.
2.He’s been playing video games since he woke up. Does he ever take a break?
3.You’re not done yet? What have you been doing all this time?
Ⅲ.A Christmas Carol(150) STAVE FOUR The Last of the Spirits(13)
While he did this, the woman who had already spoken threw her bundle on the floor, and sat down in a flaunting manner on a stool, crossing her elbows on her knees, and looking with a bold defiance at the other two.
“What odds, then? What odds, Mrs. Dilber?” said the woman. “Every person has a right to take care of themselves. He always did.”
“That’s true, indeed!” said the laundress. “No man more so.”
“Why, then, don’t stand staring as if you was afraid, woman! Who’s the wiser? We’re not going to pick holes in each other’s coats, I suppose?”
“No, indeed!” said Mrs. Dilber and the man together. “We should hope not.”
“Very well, then!” cried the woman. “That’s enough. Who’s the worse for the loss of a few things like these? Not a dead man, I suppose?”
“No, indeed,” said Mrs. Dilber, laughing.
□ flaunt (他)見せびらかす、(自)誇らしげに翻る
□ defiance 抵抗、挑戦的態度
(村岡花子訳) 第四章 最後の幽霊 (13)
小学6年生の女子生徒の指導力・企画力 は素晴らしいですね。