前の日■英会話タイムトライアル2-6 Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
That's a friend from college.
→my friend と言うと、唯一の友人と聞こえてしまいます。
a friend of mine from collegeも可
I'll introduce you.
Hi. I'm a friend of Steve's. I'm 〇〇(名前).
新郎 groom 新婦 bride
Are you a friend of the bride or the groom?
I'm a friend of the bride.
I'm a friend of Jenny's from Japan.
職場の友人 a friend from work
I'll introduce you to a friend from work.
This is a friend from work Kelly.
Hi. I work with Steve. I'm 〇〇(名前).
■英会話タイムトライアル2-7 自己紹介のあと、話を広げる
How did you meet him? (彼とのなれそめは何ですか?)
→How did you first meet him? もOK。
Where did you meet 〇〇?(どこで知り合ったの?)も使えます。
We (first)met in high school.
How did you two meet? (お二人はどのように知り合ったの?)
→3人以上ならHow did you guys meet? 男性、女性問わず使えます。
We worked together a long time ago.
I met Kelly on the cruise ship.
We volunteered together in Jamaica.
I'll introduce you a friend of mine.
Sorry, may I have your name?(もう一度お名前を聴いてよいですか)
My name is hard to pronounce, it's Natsuko.
His name is Kenzaburo. Everyone calls him Ken.
■英会話タイムトライアル2-8 会話が聞き取れなかったら?
Hi. I'm Nikki. ×××.
→Hi, Nikki. I'm Steve.
×××. Nice day, isn't it?
→Yeah, it's so warm.
Today, can you ××× or ××× at three p.m.?
→Would you say that again?
We want to meet at ××× café .
→Would you say the name of the café again?
I'll meet you in Shibuya at three.
→In Shibuya at three. Got it.
I'll arrive 3:30 on Sunday.
→ 3:30 on Sunday. Got it.
A:Over here. Here is some water for you.
B:Oh, thanks. I need this.
A:Oh, look! That's a friend of mine walking over there. Hi! This is a friend from Jamaica, Nikki.
C: Hi. I'm Nikki. ×××.
B: Hi, Nikki. I'm Steve.
C: OK. Let's walk and talk together.
B: So, how did you two meet?
A: Nikki is a friend of mine from work. We work together a long time ago.
B: What kind of work did you do together?
A: We worked for a radio station. We were both reporters.
B: I see. And what kind of work do you do now, Nikki?
C: I work for a TV station in Trinidad now. How about you? What kind of work do you do in Japan?
B: I work for radio station in Japan. I do a program about English communication.
C: And how do you know Kelly?
B: We met on a cruise ship. And we volunteered together at a school in Jamaica.
C: Well, nice to meet you here in Trinidad.
B: It's so nice to meet you, too.