■イタリア語応用編 26 後半 過去の2つの動作と接続詞
〇「~と言う状況なので」<dato che visto che>
①Dato che faceva abbastanza caldo, ho spento il riscaldamento.
②Visto che faceva brutto tempo, non siamo usciti/uscite.
①Ha bevuto due bicchieri si acqua, perché aveva molta sete.
abbastanza かなり 十分に 結構
spentere 消す riscaldamento 暖房
Proviamo 練習A
①Faceva bel tempo, perciò abbiamo fatto una passeggiata.
②Siccome era molto stanco, è andato subito a letto.
③Maria non è venuta alla festa, perché aveva un impegno.
Ancora un po' 練習B
<Poiché >non avevo nessun impegno, ho accettato il suo invito.
Ho accettato il suo invito, <perché> non avevo nessun impegno.
*accettato<accettare 受け入れる
nessuno 不定形容詞 否定文で動詞の後や文頭におかれ、「何も~ない」の意味。
■現代英語 War chosen as kanji of the year for 2022
People here in Japan are reflecting on what kind of year 2022 has been. And many have chosen the kanji character meaning "war" or "battle" as the one best symbolizing the past twelve months.
Kanji are the ideograms used in written Japanese, adapted from Chinese characters.
A Kyoto-based association promoting the use of kanji conducts the poll every year. It's announced the result with a calligraphy performance at Kiyomizu Temple in the city.
Association officials say Russia's invasion of Ukraine dealt a psychological blow to many people, who are also wrestling with higher prices and the weaker yen.
The officials also cite Japan's fierce battles in international sports events, such as its victories over Germany and Spain in the men's FIFA World Cup group round.
*reflect 回想する 振り返る 反射する
ideograms 表意文字/ written Japanese 書き言葉
→adopt -optは選ぶ,採用するという意味(例:option)
conducts a poll 調査を行う poll 選挙の投票、世論調査
calligraphy performance 書道
deal a blow to... …に打撃を与える
wrestle with ~と戦う(戦う)
fierce 激しい
It's new to me "wrestle with~." Thank you!
Nothing is better than peace. I definitely hope for world peace.