■イタリア語応用編32 過去の2つの動作<近過去+大過去>前半
【Frase chiave キーフレーズ】
Mi sono accorto che avevo lasciato il biglietto a casa.
*mi sono accorto<accorgersiの近過去の形。私は気がついた。
che 接続詞「~ということを」
1 ~してしまったことに[気が付いた]。
①Mi sono accorto/accorta che avevo dimenticato di spegnere la luce.
②Si è accorta che aveva perso il portafoglio.
*dimenticare 忘れる
*spegnere 消す
*perso <perdere(失う、無くす)
2~してしまった[と言った]。dire(言う)<detto 過去分詞
①Franco mi ha detto che avere già letto quel libro.
②Daniela mi ha detto che aveva comprato un nuovo computer.
③Hanno detto al professore che avevano capito bene la lezione.
〇接続詞のche, 関係代名詞のcheとは?
■ラジオ英会話194 可算不加算で意味が大きく変わる名詞
①Whoa, this dresser looks bigger than I remembered.
*than +節(I remembered)
②Anyway, we don't have time to set it up, so let's just leave it here for now.
*set up 設置する
③We'd better get going, or we'll be late for our dental appointment.
*had better ~したほうが良い。(しないと何か悪いことが起きる)
④We'll sort out the dresser when we get back.
sort out 解決する
I hope there's enough room in the bedroom?
We don't have time to set it up now.
Time is money.
Do you have time to talk?
It took me a long time to get there.
How many times have I told you that?
Did you have a good time at the party?
This is made of glass.
These are champagne glasses.
I always wear glasses.
Can you put more paper in the printer?
The story is in all the papers.
I did a lot of work today.
Let's get down to work.
after work, before work,(仕事の後、仕事の前)
The complete works of Shakespeare(シェークスピア全集)
This is one of Mozart's earliest works.
1 I wish I could spend more time with you.
2 Red wine should be served in a large glass.
■現代英語 Japanese firm sued as owner of Van Gogh masterpiece
A Japanese insurance giant has been sued by heirs of the former owner of a treasured Vincent van Gogh painting.
The U.S. lawsuit seeks the return of the artwork and about 750 million dollars in damages.
Sonpo Holdings owns the "Sunflowers" masterpiece through predecessor Yasuda Fire and Marine Insurance.
Yasuda paid about 40 million dollars for it in a 1987 auction.
That was a record for a painting at the time.
heir/相続人 treasured/宝物として大切にされている
lawsuit/訴訟 seek/求める /in damages 損害賠償
750 million dollars およそ1千億円
predecessor 前身の
The three heirs say the Nazis forced the owner of the artwork to sell it in 1934 as a part of a persecution campaign against Jews.
They argue that the Japanese firm unjustifiably profited by acquiring the Van Gogh despite knowing its provenance.
The suit was filed in an Illinois federal court.
Sompo Holdings said it has yet to receive the complaint.
The insurer also said that it was purchased legitimately through an auction 35 years ago and there is no room for doubt over its ownership.
persecution campaign 迫害活動 unjustifiably/不当に
despite knowing its provenance 由来を知っているにも関わらず
* provenance 芸樹作品などの由来、出所 =origin
legitimately 合法的に
②慣用表現 例 damage(損害) damages(損害賠償金)
例 news ニューズと発音する。
I watched a Hitler's program on history channel before.
I wonder which will win a suit.
Thank you for telling me nice information.
I'm looking forward to seeing it!
なるほど! 勉強になります。