■イタリア語初級編 65 命令法の否定形
〇Non prendete questo treno!
★ただし、2人称単数形は、「non+ 不定詞」になる。
Per andare a Kyoto, prendete questo treno.
(あなたたちは)この電車に乗らないでください 京都にはいきません
Non prendete questo treno! Non va a Kyoto.
<否定形(tuで話す相手)>➡「non+ 不定詞」
No prendere questo treno!
* non prendere- non prenda- non prendiamo- non prendete
Aspettiamo Paolo?
-No, non aspettiamolo!/ No, non lo aspettiamo!
Ti aspetto?
―No, non aspettarmi!/ No, non mi aspettare!
La aspetto?
―No, non mi aspetti!
(tu)Non preoccuparti!/ Non ti preoccupare!
(lei) Non si preoccupi!
(voi)Non preoccupatevi! / Non vi preocupate!
Non prendiamo questo treno!
Non prenda questo toreno!
Non aspettate Paolo!
④(君は)パオロを待たなくていいよ2人称単数形は、「non+ 不定詞」
Non aspettare Paolo!
〇練習2 nonに続けましょう
①prendere[noi]+la non prendiamola/ non la prendiamo
②prendere[tu]+le non prenderle/ non le prendere
③aspettare[lei]+mi non mi aspetti
④comprare[noi]+li non compliamoli/ non li compriamo
In terms of forming a syndicate group, the biggest issue may be the period of the loan. Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese and the banks in the Middle East should be able to take the five-year risk. You'll find the specific candidate listed for your consideration. Given our strong relations with these institutions, we're confident in their ability to accommodate a five-year loan.
What about Japanese regional banks? They should be active in participating in syndicated loan.
That's true. But typically don't go beyond 3 years for Indian borrowers. We believe that some banks are keen to expand their engagement with esteemed companies like yours. So we've added two Japanese regional banks to the list.
borrowing condition 借入条件/regional bank 地方銀行
for your consideration ご検討いただくために
Given ~なので、~を考えると
accommodate 受け入れる
go beyond 3 years. 3年を超えることはない
keen to ~することに興味がある
engagement 関わり 取引き
esteemed 立派な
〇You'll find the specific candidates listed for your consideration.
▼for your consideration 検討するために
For your consideration, I've outlined several alternative solutions for tackling the issue.
I've prepared a detailed analysis of the market trends for your consideration.
I've listed the specific candidates for your review.
➡for your review 検討するために
The specific candidates provided here for your assessment.
➡for your assessment 評価するために
1 While Japanese regional banks are indeed consideration. Let me comment on the banks I mentioned earlier from East Asia and Middle East.
2 Our banks has long-standing business relationships with banks in East Asia. As for the Middle East, we have a good relations with banks across the region(この地域全体と), partly because(理由のひとつです) no country in the area in political conflict with Japan.
3 They are more inclined(傾向がある) to take on long-term risks compared to Japanese banks. And they view this loan as a great opportunity to establish relationships with you.
■現代英語 Ohtani joins major league baseball '40-40 club'
Japanese Major League Baseball superstar Otani Shohei has hit his 40th home run and stolen his 40th base this season. He achieved the record with a dramatic walk-off grand slam.
*walk-off grand slam さよなら(walk-off)満塁ホームラン(grand slam)
(略)He headed into the game with 39 home runs and stolen bases to his name this season. In the forth inning, Ohtani stole second, making him only the second Japanese player to steal 40 bases in a single season after Suzuki Ichiro in 2011. The game was even in the bottom of the ninth. Ohtani came to bat with the bases loaded and two outs for the Dodgers. And that was his 40th homer this season.(略)Ohtani is only the sixth player to join the so-called 40-40 club in Major League Baseball history. But he did it in just 126 games, faster than anybody else.
head into のぞんで
to one's name 人の所有物として
the bottom of ninth 9回裏 表はtop
come to bat 打席に立つ
bases loaded 満塁
40-40 club このような名前のクラブが存在するわけではなく、この条件を達成した人の仲間入りをしたという意味で使われている