takeのいろいろな使い方 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ We need to take down the lights and cameras quickly.
○ I can take care of myself.
× Years pass, and Kaguyahime takes to gazing at the moon. It is time for her to return home.
○ Which train should I take?
○ Leave it to me. I'll take care of it.
○ Well, maybe you should take a step back and look at the situation again. Look at it from her perspective.
○ Today's retirees are taking to new technology like a duck to water.
○ It took more time than I'd expected.
○ I have a different take on it.
○ If you want to succeed, you must take the initiative in life!
○ During a festival, Ogiwara Shinnojo meets a beautiful woman with a little girl carrying a peony lantern. He takes the woman home.
○ We'll do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of this.
○ You took the words right out of my mouth.
○ We shouldn't take a back seat.
× Let's take five here.
○ What really ticks me off and makes me concerned about the future of literacy is the way Rebecca and her friends use emoticons, made with colons and parentheses to express emotions, instead of taking the time to express their thoughts in clear, understandable prose.
○ We'll take a shortcut.
○ Let's take [have] a rest.
○ How many trains do we take?
○ Take it back!