My daughter has went on a picnic with her friends today.
They will go to a municipal swimming pool at first, and then, have lunch at a child libraly near there, at the end of the picnic, they are planning to play in a park.
She got up earlier today than yesterday, and she got her lunch ready by herself.
But she didn't clean up the kitchen, so that I did it.
And the remainer of her lunch is my lunch.
Before everything, I hope they can enjoy the picnic.
Because she is very looking forward to going on the picnic.
now thatのフレーズ・~なので ~だから ~からには
Now that you've completely distracted me, what is it that you want to talk about- dogs, was it?
But now that the crisis is over, I can't help but remember how beautiful that grassy area was.
Hey, now that my socks are soggy, why don't we eat at my place?