英語5分間トレーニング 和訳テスト20問 - 結果
× That one word spoke volumes.
○ That's easy for you to say.
○ This is a pointless argument.
○ Is this for here or to go?
○ I can't walk another step.
× Let me sleep on it.
× He has a tendency to be optimistic.
○ I know that without being told.
○ How did you find his speech?
○ What more could you ask for?
× Let's leave it all up to chance.
× He's a man ahead of his time.
× No hard feelings.
× Don't be so full of yourself.
○ Why don't you give yourself a week off?
× There's safety in numbers.
× He's stubborn to the core.
○ How are those two getting along?
○ Nothing is showing on the screen.
○ This condo doesn't allow pets.