英会話タイムトライアル(2015/1/26~) 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ How's the weather there in February?
○ What kind of sports do you like?
○ If you're finished, I'll take your plate.
英会話タイムトライアル(2015/1/19~) 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× Actually, eggs are not my favorite.
○ I was thinking about going to a movie tomorrow.
○ The coffee's ready. Help yourself.
英会話タイムトライアル(2015/1/12~) 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× Hi, Vivian. You're just as I imagined you.
○ What time do you usually get up in the morning?
○ Did you wait long?
英会話タイムトライアル(2015/1/5~) 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× Shall I bring some from Japan?
○ Where do you go to enjoy nature?
○ How do I pronounce your name?
"英会話タイムトライアル"のフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ I was thinking about going to a movie tomorrow.
○ How do I pronounce your name?
○ What time do you usually get up in the morning?
○ Where do you go to enjoy nature?
○ What kind of sports do you like?
○ Actually, eggs are not my favorite.
○ The coffee's ready. Help yourself.
○ If you're finished, I'll take your plate.
○ Hi, Vivian. You're just as I imagined you.
○ How's the weather there in February?
○ Shall I bring some from Japan?
○ Did you wait long?