I'm safe under this spoon. And he
was having such a fine adventure that
he forgot all about going home to his
"I must be the bravest raindop who
ever lived. Wait until I tell my mother
haw I killed that shark and about the
earthquake I was in."
And Drippy lay snugly under the
spoon,thinking about how wonderful he
But suddenly---very suddenly---the hot
air cycle came on.
おとなの基礎英語(Week19) 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ What's the population of Sydney?
○ You should see the Opera House.
○ How was your trip?
「幼子のひとりは背負ひ秋の浜 飯田龍太」情景がほのぼのと浮かびます。一幅の絵を見るようですね。どうも有難うございました。m(__)m