前の日道案内のフレーズ 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× This place has its own flavor.
× I lost my way.
× How long will this last?
○ The train will leave in fifteen minutes.
× How far can you go on that ticket?
IT関連おもしろフレーズ集 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
× The video became an online hit, and ultimately the company gave him a new computer in the hope that that would create a more positive impression in the public's mind.
× Everything seemed to be going according to plan as the presentation began, but suddenly there was a blackout.
× In the afternoon, I looked at what club activities I could join, and in the evening, I planned out my schedule on my laptop.
× People posted videos of smartphone addicts falling into fountains, bumping into walls or slipping on banana peels while texting.
× We are unable to receive the email. It appears the attachment was too large for our system.