○ The contract spells out in detail the terms of our agreement.
spell out:・・・をはっきりと述べる
○ Excessive drinking can lead to serious health problems.
○ And they became a medium with a very broad appeal, catering to the masses.
○ She neglected to water her plants for almost a week.
○ The fortune teller predicted I would win the lottery.
○ Please sit still during the movie.
○ Advertisements are meant to improve a company's image.
○ He spoke with a thick French accent.
○ The conversation flowed freely the first time they met.
○ He was gripped by fear before his big speech.
○ The flight attendants point out the emergency exits before each flight.
○ If I bid too low, I'll lose money. If I bid too high, I'll lose the contract.
○ The triathlon is a severe test of endurance.