I went to Sibuya Hikarie which is a brand-new building with a friend of mine today.
It was a weekday but in the middle of Golden Week, that's why it was very crowded.
I found a good hatshop in this building.
I enjoyed trying on one hat after another.
We also dropped by よーじやカフェ, having the cake and よーじやカプチーノ.
They not only tasted good, but also looked artistic.
I enjoyed them.
Another purpose of going to Shibuya was visiting The Shoto Museum of Art.
They have the exhibition “Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl”.
Those works are a little different from the tableware of Royal Copenhagen sold at the department stores.
They are rare and interesting .
I know よーじやカプチーノ!
¡Hola! Gracias.
Have a nice holiday, too. (*^^*)
That sounds like fun.
That's it!
You can play on that picture in the cup, for example, drawing oval-shaped "tenjo- mayu" eyebrows on that face and so on. (^▽^)
Thank you for your comment.
By the way, I have watched よーじやカプチーノ on TV.
よーじや's charactor was drawn on the surface of the drink, and it looked very tasty.
I envy you.