Q4. 聞き取れたけど自信は無し。意味もとれず。
He's got a sweet disposition. (彼は気立てが優しいんです。)
性質・性格・気立てを表す disposition は、
She has a sunny disposition. (彼女は陽気な性格だ)
Q5. はじめてのフレーズ。
can と can't を聞き間違えて完全に逆の意味と勘違い。
You can't improve everything at once.
Facebookディクテーションテスト2013年04月11日(木)版(No.674) - 結果
Q1 Are you sure?
○ Are you sure?
Q2 She's got talent. I can tell.
○ She's got talent, I can tell.
Q3 I hit my head on the door.
○ I hit my head on the door.
Q4 He's got a sweet disposition.
○ He's got a sweet disposition.
Q5 You can't improve everything at once.
× You can improve everything at once.