shell8131さんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× Rehab was no picnic.
× It's rotten.
× Yes, starting at age 3 or so, our kids were aware that we were using devices such as mobiles and computers, and they started imitating our behavior.
× They didn't have to cut corners, I guess.
× That smarts!
miona-chanさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× Wait until you've heard the whole story.
× I have to wait until after school.
× Do you work out often?
○ That's what I read in the news.
× Words fail me right now.
バーバチャンさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× To work up an appetite!
○ This is not a time for talking. It's a time for action.
○ The woman that lives next door is an English teacher.
○ I'll go to the counter to buy the tickets.
○ Let's hope it's sunny!
mooさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ I hope I can make it up to her.
× What can we do to lend a helping hand?
× What made you want to volunteer?
× The project team was made up of a highly diverse group of people.
○ I just want a quick bite.
ちえさんさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
× You're no more a philosopher than my cat!
× Why don't you talk to her?
× The clear air made the stars twinkle brightly in the night sky.
× Thank you for waiting!
× This will not do!