shell8131さんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× And I know they mean it.
× The bar owner was quoted as saying that mescal adds a smoky twist, and his wife is from the region of Mexico where mescal is produced.
× Not everyone has that degree of cyber literacy, unfortunately.
× Watch out for the power lines!
× When I'd finished providing my details, the person taking them down said, "Awesome."
mooさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× We assume Chad is on his way, but if he doesn't arrive in time, go ahead to the meeting without him.
× Take a guess.
× I'm craving ice cream right now.
× The Japanese government has set a target of having 40 million inbound visitors by 2020.
× Manga made great advances after World War II, and the artist who started the ball rolling was OsamuTezuka .
ちえさんさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× They only need one more goal to win!
× This racket is about two centimeters longer than standardsize rackets.
× Would you like to join me?
× I saw her playing the piano in a piano store last Saturday.
× I've finished my homework!
miona-chanさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× Please let us through.
× On Monday evening, you and Mr. Miki are already scheduled for another important meeting. Which one should take priority?
× I was wondering if you are comfortable with Mr. Takamine's sudden request.
× Causes of poverty in third world countries include population explosions, lack of infrastructure, corruption, natural disasters, political instability and war, but poverty in America is different.
× Then, I'd like to reconfirm our consensus.
バーバチャンさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× The survey forms have been sent to a dozen of Paul's higher-ups, peers, direct reports and even outside agency people.
× How long have you known each other?
× He's very much into video games.
× I feel his knowledge and experience will be a valuable addition to our team, and that his presence will lead to the efficient development of new products.
× You could do it with your eyes closed.