

It would be great if you could give them a word of encouragement.

Your team is doing a wonderful job on the promotion.
Thank you. It would be great if you could give them a word of encouragement.

The team has achieved the original target. But I know they can do even better.
It would be great if you could give them a word of encouragement.

Our sales improve significantly. I know your team has been working hard.
It would be great if you could give them a word of encouragement.
Sure. When can I see them?

It would be great if you could give them a word of congratulations.
It would be great if you could give them a word of warning.
It would be great if you could give them a word of advice.

Yeah. Winter is especially cold this year.

Cold, isn't it?
Yeah. Winter is especially cold this year.

I'm so sorry keep you waiting.
No problem. I wasn't waiting that long.

Where dhould we go for dinner tonight?
Anywhere is fine. Is there a Mexican restrant near here?

Well, what did you have for lunch today?
I went to an Italian restrant. But I can have an Italian again tonight.

Oh, I'm sorry I forgot your name.
No problem. I'm Hanako. I forget a lot recently, too.

OK. Would you like some hot tea?
Oh, thanks. That'll be great. I'd love hot drink. It'll warm me up.

So, where do you live now?
I live in S-city. It's near Osaka. It's a nice place for me.

Do you like living there?
Yeah. I like that place. But I may move next year.







