I'll try to get out of the habit of making a beeline for my doctor's office every time I have a sniffle.
I wrote two Japanese proverbs ... in Japanese!
I wrote two Japanese proverbs ... in Japanese! The first is "七転び八起き".
Wow, good job!
How can I say "七転び八起き" in English?
"Never give up." Or more literally, "if you falldown seven times, then get up eight times."
That's good translation. Thanks. I understand it much better now.
That's not enough special translation. But I'm glad you like it.
Next, you guess the second Japanese proverb that I wrote today.
Did you write "石橋を叩いて渡る"?
The answer is this, "塵も積もれば山となる".
Oh, that's a good one.
How can I say that in English?
Well, here is my translation. "Enough dust can make a mountain".
Interesting. What is the proverb mean to you?
Little things adopt?. So, I work in study little by little.
Do you like proverbs?
Yeah, sometime. Learnig proverebs is one of my hobbies.
Tell me one of your favor proverb.
One of my faover is "棚からぼた餅". Something like suddenly a gift will fall in your lap.
Is that proverb mean anything to you?
It means some good things happen even if you don't try. Another fun way for me left.