I got my husband to drive me to the office in a shopping mall a little way from home. I wanted to get Maina point at the office. I'll have full of points in several days. Today's menu is the boiled Koi with sugar and soy sauce, deep-fried shrimp wrapping wantan and fried chicken getting gold prize. I bought them at delicatessen in the supermarket.
会話に使ってみたいフレーズ 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ I'm surprised that we are leaving so early.
○ This zipper got stuck halfway up.
○ You, I could hug right now!
○ You know, I've gotten used to seeing Roxy in that chair.
○ The video is frozen.
Talking of My Number Card, I haven't applied for it yet.