"Pizza spends every single day on his own with nowhere to hide, just subjected to people banging on the glass and taking photographs."
WENDY HIGGINS, a spokeswoman for Humane Society International, on the plight (苦境)of Pizza the polar bear, who lives in an enclosure(囲い地) in a shopping mall in Guangzhou(広州), China.
OCTOBER 26, 2016
(1)The Pentagon’s ‘Terminator Conundrum(難問)’: Robots That Could Kill on Their Own
The United States has put artificial intelligence at the center of its defense strategy, with weapons that can identify targets and make decisions.
(2)Seizing on Rising Costs, Trump Says Health Law Is ‘Over’
The Trump campaign, desperate(自暴自棄の) for a winning political issue in the final two weeks of the race, mounted(高める) an offensive against the Affordable Care Act.
(3)What Drives Donald Trump? Fear of Losing Status, Tapes Show
In more than five hours of conversations — the last extensive biographical interviews he granted before running for president — Mr. Trump makes clear how difficult it is for him to imagine, let alone accept, defeat.
(4)AT&T Cheerleading Squad(編入する) for Merger: Nearly 100 Lobbyists
As a multimillion-dollar donor to lawmakers, with a huge roster(名簿に載せる) of lobbyists, the communications giant is ready to pursue its $85 billion bid for Time Warner.
(5)Steven Banks Was Hired to Stem New York’s Homelessness Crisis. It Didn’t Happen.
Mr. Banks, who joined the de Blasio administration after a lifetime of agitating for the poor, has faced criticism even from onetime colleagues he still considers allies.
(6)As ID Laws Fall, Voters See New Barriers Rise
Contrasting laws and rulings leave election officials and voters confused, and some court remedies fall well short of restoring previous access to the voting booth.