

"I thought I was being smart in going to the doctor and getting checked out. Then I tried to go get insurance and everyone denied me."
JOANNE FITZGERALD, who got insurance under the Affordable Care Act despite a pre-existing condition and is concerned about efforts to repeal it.

JANUARY 23, 2017

(0)EDITORIAL:Donald Trump and a Sea of Empty Desks
So much for the claim that people from the business world are more efficient managers.

(1)Rocky First Weekend for Trump Troubles Even His Top Aides
To the extent that there was a plan to take advantage of the first days of his administration, when a president is usually at his maximum leverage(影響力), President Trump threw it aside.

(2)After Success of Women’s March, a Question Remains: What’s Next?
The challenge facing the organizers is figuring out how to channel the resolve and outrage of an organic protest into action that produces political change.

(3)Trump’s Vow to Repeal Health Law Revives Talk of High-Risk Pools
Some lawmakers are pushing the idea of the pools, which in the past left many people with pre-existing conditions uncovered or with strict limits to health care. Joanne Fitzgerald was repeatedly rejected by health insurers because of a gastrointestinal(胃腸内の) condition before she was able to get coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

(4)To Secular Bangladeshis, Textbook Changes Are a Harbinger(前兆)
Revisions sought by Islamic scholars were barely noticeable(目立つ) to the public, but intellectuals see them as government accommodation of a larger shift toward radical Islam.

(5)Cubans Newly Blocked at U.S. Border Place Hopes in Trump
The Obama administration ended special immigration privileges for Cubans after normalizing relations with Cuba. Now migrants arrive into a desperate limbo after an arduous journey. A pastor(牧師) last week led Cubans in prayer in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, near the United States border. The Obama administration’s decision to end a policy granting special immigration privileges to Cubans has left many in limbo(地獄の辺土、刑務所).

(6)At Least 18 Die as Tornadoes Sweep Southeast
Thunderstorms and tornadoes took a heavy toll in Georgia and Mississippi, with damage also reported in Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. Shanise McMorris amid the wreckage of her home in Hattiesburg, Miss., after a tornado swept through on Saturday.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2774, Ignorance of the Bill of Rights
A 1991 survey of Americans revealed that not many know about the history and significance of the Bill of Rights. 権利宣言の歴史や意義はあまり知られていない
Sixty-nine percent of Americans surveyed knew the First Amendment protects _____.
a. freedom of religion
b. freedom of speech  しかし言論の自由が第1修正にあることは知っている
c. freedom of the press
d. the right to petition
Good job! Choice b is correct.






