"If we cannot set aside party loyalty long enough to perform the essential duty of vetting(綿密に調べる) the president’s nominees, what are we even doing here?"
AL FRANKEN, the Democratic senator from Minnesota, just before the Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos as education secretary. Two senators crossed party lines to vote against her, forcing Vice President Mike Pence to break the tie.
FEBRUARY 08, 2017
(0)How the Anti-Vaxxers Are Winning
A major measles(包虫) outbreak in America is only a matter of time.
* VAXen は、ハッカー(英国 Digital Equipment 社製のコンピュータの複数形)
(1)Appeals Court Panel Appears Skeptical of Trump’s Travel Ban
Three federal judges were considering a lower court’s ruling that allowed previously barred travelers and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries to enter the country.
(2)Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions ← コメント沢山
The suspension of commando operations in Yemen is a setback for President Trump, who says he wants to take a more aggressive approach against Islamic militants.
(4)Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary; Pence Breaks Tie
The vote on Tuesday was believed to be the first in Senate history in which the vice president was called in to break a tie on a cabinet nomination.
(5)Is News of Terror Attacks Underplayed(控え目に演ずる、扱う)? Experts Say No ← コメント沢山!
President Trump’s claim runs counter to what has long been considered a given: that abundant media coverage has given terrorists the attention they crave.
(6)White House Weighs Terrorist Designation for Muslim Brotherhood
The Brotherhood, with millions of followers, is the oldest Islamist group in the Middle East, and designating it as a terrorist group would roil(かき乱す) the region.
(7)Joyous(joyful と同じ!) Africans Take to the Rails, With China’s Help
A new railway line from Djibouti to Ethiopia has showcased China’s effort to extend its influence, with aid and expertise, throughout Africa.
60-Second Civics: Episode 2789, Benefits of Freedom of Expression, Part 2
In addition to promoting individual liberties, the freedom of expression helps boost representative government. 個人の自由を促進するのみならず、代表性の政府をも推し進める
How does the freedom of expression help government in return?
a. It gives the government authority to arrest peaceful protestors.
b. It allows them to act based on their constituents requests and/or complaints. 憲法的要求・不満に基づく行動を、政府に認める。
c. It allows government to tell their constituents what they want to hear.
d. It allows policy to move more quickly through the House and Senate.
Terrific! Choice b is correct.
60-Second Civics: Episode 2788, Benefits of Freedom of Expression, Part 1
The freedom of expression can benefit the people in many ways.