Japan's Suga puts regulatory reform at center of new government -NIKKEI ASIA -Step up English
Japan's new prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said on Wednesday that ① regulatory reform will be a ②top priority for his new government , while he focuses on tacking immediate problems facing the public, such as the coronavirus and the pandemic-induced recession.
appointed Taro Kono as minister in charge of administrative reform, making him his ③ point man for government and regulatory overhaul.
Kono , who most recently ④ served as previous Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 's defense minister, has a reputation for ⑤ calling out wasteful government spending. Suga said any issues of government ⑥ red tape and sectionalism will be addressed by Kono's office.
"Regulatory reform is at the center of my administration," Suga said. "My cabinet is here to work for people. We will overcome ⑦ vested interests and revamp government regulation."
Suga cited his own ⑧ track record of cutting through administrative red tape. As ⑨ chief cabinet secretary under Abe, he helped increase tourism to Japan by pushing for relaxed visa rules despite opposition from police, and lowered mobile phone rates by putting pressure on big ⑩ wireless carriers.