< overdue > 期限が過ぎた 定刻を過ぎた 出産予定日を過ぎた
The arrival of the flight is considerably overdue.その飛行便の到着がだいぶ遅れている。
Her baby is a week overdue. 彼女の出産が1週間遅れている。
< exquiste > ( extremely beautiful or carefully made )
Everybody at the ball admired her exquisite dress. 舞踏会では誰もが彼女の美しいドレスに見とれた。
< resort > ( turn to and adopt so as to resolve a difficult situation )
He frequently resorts to antidepressant drug. 頻繁に抗鬱剤に頼っている
resort to violence 暴力に訴える
When she feels lonely, she resorts to drink. さびしくなると彼女は酒を飲む。
"応用・実践レベル"のフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ It's forbidden to engage in political activities while working as a public servant.
○ My wife complains that I'm always finding fault with everything she does.
○ We'll have to scrap the plan and start over again.
○ I don't think employees from famous universities perform better than anyone else.