ラジオ英会話 和訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ Onishi-sensei asked me to write some English test questions this week, but I'm really busy.
○ I need you to fill out this form.
○ If you don't change your eating habits, there will be big problems later.
○ You might want to give it some more thought.
○ Well, bear in mind that you are androids.
○ Um, you're not supposed to download software because there's a security risk.
○ I'd be very grateful.
○ I'm warning you.
○ I'll owe you one.
○ Is it OK to take a bath in this suit?
可愛いお花さんたちが 並んでて 楽しいですね。
学習 満点! すごいですね。
今日も 元気に 明るく 過ごしましょうね。