お気に入りフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ We are planning to go to Triangle Rock.
○ Thanks, Mrs. Gill.
○ Where in America does she live?
○ Do you like dogs?
○ This is my new color.
○ By the way... can I borrow your daughter tomorrow evening?
○ My dream is to be a pilot.
○ Anyway, I'm sure you'll have a great time in Cambridge.
○ What are you planning to do?
○ My plan is to follow the map.
"英語の基礎"のフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ He wants to become a baseball player.
× Tomomi certainly finds it easy to make friends.
○ I want to talk to you about your grades.
○ Are you sure?
○ I have a question.
○ No, that's OK.
× Why don't we show a special program of old, scary Japanese movies?
× Is it far if I walk?
× To study Japanese is interesting!
× Doesn't the ghost count the number of dishes over and over?