しごとの基礎英語 和訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ Excuse me. Please wait for the whole explanation. We can discuss after that.
○ We need you to keep to our request. Please don't make changes without prior consent.
○ Yumi, is there anything bothering you?
○ Both sound great!
○ Did you not know? We strictly prohibit the use of soap in our communal bath.
○ I'm afraid that's not an option. For now, shall we settle for the ten-pin idea?
○ It's nice to finally meet you in person.
○ I don't get it. Could you explain what that means?
○ Are there any foods you are unable to eat?
○ We are unable to receive the email. It appears the attachment was too large for our system.
○ I'm sorry to bother you, but we can't find any attachments on your email. Would you mind resending it?
○ Thank you. Please spread the word. We would appreciate your help very much.
○ Let me confirm if I understood you correctly.
○ Very well done! I especially like the use of colors.
○ Cheer up, Yumi. Let's hang in there together!
○ Okay, but we won't accept any further changes. It's settled at ten pins.
○ We need you to try. I'm sure you can do it.
○ Please. Can you tell us anything more specific?
○ Hold, please. I'll transfer you to the person in charge.
○ I have one question about your hotel. Would you be needing breakfast the following morning?
がらおさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
× I'm always forgetful.
× He passed away.
× You don't have to be nervous.
× You're so lucky.
× Swimming can help reduce stress.
× Don't tell anyone.
× Hang in there!
× Your eyes are playing tricks on you.
× Let's take a break when it's convenient.
× I owe you an apology.