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すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ But no one will believe I'm sick.
○ Let me offer my two cents' worth.
○ The former CEO spent money with reckless abandon.
○ He is a robot.
○ Are you OK?
○ What should I do?
○ Never abandon your dreams.
○ Leo lectured me about wasting water while I was brushing my teeth.
○ The book has been optioned into a movie.
○ I'd also like to mention that we have a corporate university program for international employees like you.
○ Thank you for the dashi-maki!
○ Public speaking has really helped our students come out of their shells.
○ My father made him.
○ You can lease the car with an option to buy.
○ My life has been an empty shell since losing my dog.
○ I need to take steps and start living sustainably.
○ What can I do?
○ He helps with translation from Japanese to English.
○ You can borrow it.
○ This is RoboCorpus.
すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ 祝你一路平安!
○ 妈妈骂马。
○ 酸甜苦辣
○ 你不懂,他好就好在这儿。
○ 大夫叫我多休息。
○ 初次见面。
○ 我把日本的电话号码告诉你。
○ 山崎 香。
○ 你再劝他也没用,他不听。
○ 可乐