すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ Economic hardship has left an increasing number of people on the margins of society.
○ How do you say “it feels good” in Chinese?
○ The next train to Edinburgh Waverley is leaving from platform 3 at 10:15.
○ A little stronger, please.
○ I'd like to know what you make of it.
○ He has never been to Japan before.
○ Another factor in the trend toward single living is that Americans are getting married later.
○ I think I’m starting to get the feel of it.
○ He does.
○ It literally means "baked underground."
○ The tour includes an afternoon of making Hawaiian crafts.
○ Despite substantial agreement, the two sides were unable to finalize the accord.
○ He likes you, Annie.
○ He has a brown coat and long, floppy ears.
○ What's that on his head?!
○ Elvis Presley's music defined rock and roll in the 1950s.
○ Authorities said they are looking into the cause of the accident.
○ Don't think too hard, Aradon. Ask Ben.
○ What's your take?
○ My shoulder hurts!
すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ 请把黑板上的字写得大一点儿好吗?
○ 我没听明白他说的意思。
○ 我说得大家哈哈大笑。
○ 别着急,时间还早得很。
○ 我看见有一只蝴蝶飞进屋里来了。
○ 她菜做得怎么样?
○ 看了这个电影的人都感动得流下了眼泪。
○ 五月二十五号行不行?
○ 你来得不是时候。
○ 他游泳游得很好。
シボレーの1963年コルベット・スプリットウインドゥ (Corvette Split Window)です。