25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 1 |
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30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ I have to write Christmas cards to my friends!
○ You should never dismiss the possibility that you are wrong.
○ During the week, both Emma and I are busy working, but on the weekend, we sometimes bring the kids here.
○ Happy Holidays! Love, Iroha
○ "Would you like to go out tonight?" "Sorry, I'm going to stay home and play music."
○ How nice!
○ What's your opinion on this?
○ I'm looking for a compact camera.
○ Prevention is the best cure, after all.
○ Nativity plays are held every Christmas season in America, too.
○ Karen, are you sure you don't want to say goodbye?
○ I recommend you choose the festival since it only happens this time of year.
○ Our school's Nativity play takes place on December 23rd at 10:00.
○ Hey, they're forgetting ... me!
○ It's just a stone's throw away.
○ What color is your dress?
○ This is your final warning. Finish your dinner or you get no dessert!
○ Strong winds hampered efforts to deliver relief supplies.
○ It's in his blood to dig holes.
すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ 他的加班时间比你长。
○ 这个教室里坐得下五十个学生。
○ 这么多行李你一个人拿不了,还是我来帮你吧。
○ 警察已经把这一带包围起来了,犯人肯定是跑不了了。
○ 说到吵架,谁也比不过她。
○ 阿部比田中年轻十岁。
○ 我们的产品质量比他们的好多了。
○ 黄河没有长江长。
○ 衣服上的污点怎么洗也洗不掉。
○ 现在这个阶段,具体的情况我还说不准。