Party on, Japan! 盛りあがれ、日本!(Part 3)
Colin Joyce *because he considers himself part anglophile and part japanophile
One of my English friends also used to live in japan and he has this joke I enjoy. When we meet and have a drink or dinner in London, even if it is just the two of us,at the end he says “ hai “ and stands up and starts to clap, It’s the little clapping ceremony that Japanese use to formally end a party. Both my friend and I initially found this Japanese custom a bit funny, particularly as the party often carried on for a while afterwards or at least some people would go on to a second party. But we both got used to it and now I think that having everyone stop and do something as a group is a nice way to mark an occasion before people go on their way. It’s a little bit more cheerful than the way I notice a lot of parties ending in England; which is that I look around and realize that quite a lot of people have left after saying a few goodbyes and that now the room is half empty.
clap 拍手する
僕のイギリスの友人のうちの1人もまた、かつて日本に住み、私が楽しいと感じるこのジョークを言う。ロンドンで会い、お酒を飲むか食事をする時、たとえそれが2人だけであっても、 終わりに彼は「ハイ」と言って立ち上がり拍手を始める。それは日本人がパーティを正式に終えるために行う小さな拍手の儀礼である。 特にパーティは終わってもまだしばらく続くか、最低何人かは次のパーティに向かうので、彼も僕も最初はこの日本の習慣が少しおかしいなと感じた。 しかしそれに慣れて、今や、途中で失礼する人が出て行く前に、それを皆に知らせるのに、一旦止めて、何かをするのは良いことだと思っている。 イギリスの多くのパーティで気がつく終わり方より、すこし朗らかだ ;いろいろ考えて気付いたのだが、イギリスの終わり方はチョットさよならを言って皆が出て行ってしまい、部屋は半分がらんとしてしまう。(続く)
[2015.6 ラジ英]
〇基礎3 復習
Can-do 10 ていねいに依頼したり、お願いしたりできる
mindは「~をいやだと思う、気にする」と言う意味の動詞 if you don’t mindで「もしいやでなければ」という意味を表す
・If you don’t mind, would you close the window?
<名詞+called~> 「~と呼ばれる・・・」
・I watched a movie called “ The masterpiece “ yesterday. * masterpiece 最高傑作
・(*****)(*****)hand this letter to your sister?
・Do you know the boy (*****) “the werewolf of Nishi J.H.S.’ by his classmates?
・Would you carry this luggage?
(4) 「ご存知かなと思って」と言う
・I (******)(*****)(*****)(*****)whose T-shirt this is.
・I know! It’s Mike’s!
2-(1) 私はきのう弟が自転車に乗る練習をするのを手伝いました。
_____________________________riding a bike.
(2) これは「子供のための辞書」と呼ばれる有名な本です。
_________________________ “ The dictionary for Kids “.
(******)(******)(******)(******),would you take me to the station?
My dog is (******)(******)something to eat.
Do you know the meaning of the word “mind” ?
Why ____________________________________________________________?
____________________________this seat?
What is ________________________________________________________?
1-(1) ・(Would)(you)hand ・・・・
(2) ・Do you know the boy (called) “the werewolf
(3) ・(Sure)
(4) ・I (wonder)(if)(you)(know)whose T-shirt
2-(1) I helped my brother practice riding a bike.
(2) This is a famous book called “ The dictionary for Kids “.
3-(1) (If)(you)(don’t)(mind),・・・・
(2) My dog is (looking)(for)・・・
(3) ―――(Actually),(I )(do)!
4-(1) Why don’t you ask your teacher?
(2) May I have this seat?
(3) What is the difference between “ would” and “ could “?