You can’t order unless you buy a ticket first.
I am a Vegan from the Planet Vega 6. I heard you serve vegan ramen here.
Yes, but it’s pronounced vegan.
Oh, sorry.
No problem. Anyway, you can’t order unless you buy a ticket first.
Okay. What do you recommend?
The French onion soup ramen is popular.
Sounds good. I’ll order that. Can I slurp my noodles?
Yes. That’s normal here.
Great. We also have that custom on Vega.
Unless you wear a jacket and tie, you cannot enter this hotel.
Let’s meet outside the entrance unless it’s raining.
I’ll be surprised if you don’t pass the exam.
Hurry up or else we’ll miss the last train.
You’d better start right now otherwise you’ll never finish in time.
Unless you speak fluent English, you can’t get a job here.
I have no energy if I don’t eat a good breakfast.