We need to pass this tradition on to the next generation.
Boomers are always talking about the good old days.
There’s a big generation gap between boomers and millennials.
Video games have been popular across generations.
Jeannie, I saw you walking fast on the street yesterday.
Have you seen Vocab Incorporated sales projection? The numbers look great.
Good teachers know how to inject some fun into their lessons.
So that’s the plan. Any objections?
The government rejected the application because it was filed late.
I need to get it done by tomorrow.
Renji, did you finish all your homework?
I did all my math homework but…
But what?
My history report. I need to get it done by tomorrow.
And you haven’t started it yet?
Why not? Didn’t you know you had to do it?
I couldn’t see the deadline on the white board.
Renji, are you having a trouble seeing things?
You should have your eyes checked. You might need glasses.
I need to get it done by tomorrow.
You should have your eyes checked.
Get your car washed.
I need this done.
I need to get my passport renewed. My trip to Canada is in three months.
Please have your suitcase packed. We’ll leave very early tomorrow morning.
Consider it done. I’ll have the report completed today.