She is in the bedroom, packing her suitscase to bring a lot of stuff.
Holding his breath, he watched the plane taking off.
We re at Big West Burgurs, having lunch. Care to join us? ご一緒にいかかですか?
I'm in the car, heading to the airport. I will call you back when I arrive.
They are walking in the garden, holding hands. They are such a cute supple.
such-大変 強調表現
It's cold for September. 9月にしては寒い
unseasonably 季節外れの
I am going to take off my jumper. セーターを脱ぎます
I'm going to wear this jumper today.
It 's getting cold. 寒くなってきた
I need to wear layer. 重ね着
I get cold very easily. 寒がりです
I'm always cold.冷え性です