前の日フレーズ3-4 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ It was easier than the practice test.
○ You've worked hard, and you know it.
○ If my brother had gotten up earlier, he could have caught the 8:00 train.
○ Marietta is an interesting town to visit.
○ Finding a golf course in Ohio is easy.
○ You're the one who's always late!
○ I'm the most interested in the comedy.
○ Did you run yesterday, too?
○ He's almost as smart as the teacher!
○ I was finally able to drive to the mall.
○ I'll remind her when to come.
○ I'm definitely going to play basketball when I return to Japan.
○ I heard my parents talk about it the other day.
○ English is still the hardest class for me.
× It's difficult to give a speech in English!
○ I want to talk to you about your grades.
○ I was so surprised to hear the news.
○ Apples are better than cookies for a snack.
○ The truth is (that) I don't like fish very much.
○ We must try!
フレーズ13-14 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
× It's just that I've been so preoccupied at work.
○ I'm melting!
○ A large jellyfish was casually swimming in the sea with pleasure.
○ I've been giving him the cold shoulder!
○ That's the attitude!
○ There's no way I'm going to buy that.
○ I was bitten by a bug.
× Actually, I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment.
× Oh, never mind about that. Let's put it behind us.
○ That can't be.
フレーズ13-14 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ Is there anybody here who wants to save on gas?
○ Betty bought a very big, beautiful vase.
○ This sea creature has a triangular flat body.
× Some kids are playing with toy cars and others are playing cards.
○ There's no excuse for that!
○ I'll just let it go.
○ That's the best news ever!
○ Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
○ I'll survive. It's his loss.
○ In all likelihood, she's back together with Derek.