次の日青いうさぎと白いくまさんのお気に入りフレーズ 和訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ I don't know what to do.
○ Go on.
○ Couldn't agree more.
× Why don't you take a look?
× Take a guess.
× I can't help it.
○ I'm less motivated today than usual.
○ When it comes to speaking English, I get nervous.
○ Couldn't be better.
○ I'm on my way.
○ It was nice talking to you!
○ What went wrong?
× Everything is under control.
○ What should I have?
○ What do you say?
○ Got it!
○ Don't mention it.
○ You're not serious, are you?
× Can I have a look around?
○ I still like this one better.