基礎英語1_20164Q 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ When did you send the audition video to Hollywood?
× Can I ask you a favor?
○ Can I have the same thing?
○ I can't do judo, but I can cut fruit fast.
× It was in the shape of the letter "S."
× I'm going to be a Hollywood star.
○ Can I have your opinion?
× What do you think of "Happy"?
○ He is going to join us later.
× Now she's feeling better.
× What did it look like?
× She has a big appetite.
× I'm looking for a bag for everyday use.
× What did you practice?
○ Oh, she's shaking.
○ Let's not choose a food name.
○ Um... I'm good at cooking.
× She sounds weak.
× Why don't we think of a new idea?
○ Are you going to meet famous actors?