【Today's diary-Monday,12 September】
I bought new rain shoes and normal shoes
for my daughter last Saturday.
Her old shoes were worn out,because she
play at the kindergarten yard almost everyday.
In addition,she is in the grow period and
many old chothes and shoes is getting too small for her.
She is growing 1cm taller every one month.
T:Welcome back,everyone!
Did you enjoy summer vacation?
T:As you know,I told you to keep an English diary
during the summer vacation.
Have you all prepared for your presentation?
A:Of course! I kept my diary all summer!
D:I'm done,too.I can't wait to share my experience
with everyone.
T:How about you Yukichi?
Y:I was very slow in writing,and...
T:Yukichi! You had all summer to do it!
You will have to be ready for your presentation
Y:Oh,boy....I know I'm in trouble.
You will have to be ready for your presentation tomorrow.
※You must は堅苦しい感じがするので避ける
また、MustよりHave toの方がより客観的な状況から判断して
Yes,I went to Iwasaki factory this summer vacation.
Is he such a famous person?
I saw his bronze statue in front of the factory.
You went to his memorial factory before, didn't you?
Plus, He is wearing same shoes every time.