おとなの基礎英語 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ I locked myself out.
○ You have to tell me the recipe.
× Do you know where it is?
○ How old is she in human years?
× I couldn't have done it without your help.
× I want to buy some stamps.
○ Do you care for a drink?
× It was nice meeting you.
○ Why did you come to Australia?
○ I'd like to ask you something.
× Thanks for asking.
○ I'll treasure it.
○ What's the population of Sydney?
× What a coincidence!
○ Australia is famous for its wine.
○ I think I'm lost.
× How come it's called the Three Sisters?
○ What time do we have to get up?
○ How do you spell it?
× It's harder than I thought.