①Have you been following the news lately?(最近ニュースを見ていますか?)
②I haven't been following the news lately.(最近ニュースを見ていません)
※アメリカ大統領☜the U.S. president
③Everyone has been following the news about the new U.S. president.(みんな新しいアメリカ大統領についてのニュースに注目しています)
④Have you been following the news about the Novel Peace Prize?(ノーベル平和賞関連のニュースに注目していますか?)
⑤I don't really follow the news.(私はあまりニュースを見ません)
⑥I don't follow sports at all.(私はスポーツを全く見ません)
⑦Do you follow European soccer?(ヨーロッパのサッカーを見ますか?)
⑧I'm a big fan of Italian soccer.(私はイタリアのサッカーの大ファンです)
⑨What's in the news today?(今日はどんなことがニュースになっていますか?)
⑩Jenny is all over the news today.(今日はジェニーのニュースで持ちきりです)
①Did you hear the news about the election?(選挙のニュースを聞きましたか?)
②I was surprised by the news.(そのニュースに驚きました)
※友達みんな☜All of my friends
③All of my friends were shocked.(友達みんながショックを受けました)
※選挙の結果☜Election results
④Were you surprised by the election results?(選挙の結果に驚きましたか?)
⑤Most people were surprised.(ほとんどの人が驚きました)
⑥It hasn't sank in yet.(まだ実感がありません)
⑦I didn't expect Jenny to win.(ジェニーが勝つとは予想していませんでした)
⑧Everyone expected Steve to win.(みんなスティーブが勝つと予想していました)
⑨I hope she does well.(彼女の活躍に期待します)
⑩I'm happy for her.(彼女のことを嬉しく思います)
①What do you think of the new Prime Minister?(新しい首相についてどう思いますか?)★軽く感想を聞く表現
②He seems nice.(彼は優しそうです)
③He seems serious and smart.(彼は真面目で頭が良さそうです)
④I don't have a solid opinion **of him yet. (まだ彼についてはっきりとした意見はありません)
⑤Looks like he has a lot of *support.(彼はかなり支持されているようです)
⑥What do you think of the new English teacher?(新しい英語の先生についてどう思いますか?)
⑦I don't really know her **well yet.(まだ彼女のことをあまりよく知りません)
⑧Looks like her lessons are popular.(彼女の授業は人気のようです)
※新しくやってく年☜The coming new year
⑨How do you feel about the coming new year?(新しくやってく年についてどう思いますか?)
⑩I hope there will be peace in the world.(世界が平和になることを願います)
【Have you been following the news about~】(~関連のニュースに注目していますか?)
【Have you been following the news about】the UFO sighting**?ユーフォーの目撃情報
【~is all over the news.】(~のニュースで持ちきりです)
My hometown【is all over the news.】
【I didn't expect~】(~とは予想していませんでした)
【I didn't expect】the alien to be small.
♦Have you been following the news lately?
-Yeah, but I don't really follow the news often.(あまり頻繁にはニュースを見ません)
♢Were you surprised by the results of the U.S. presidential election?
-Yeah, I didn't expect **Shorne Pariss to win.
♦How do you feel about the coming new year?
-I hope there will be more peace in the world.
And I'm Nora Kennedy Lt finish with this
Its Wow that was fast
Time flies
Iceland is famous for its hot spring
The sun is coming up soon beautiful scenery
As we saw small talk
Did you imagine the situation?
early together ready start
The sun hasn't risen yet. And it looks like no one is here. Should we go in the hot spring now?
-Sure the sun will come out soon Let's go in.
Hoo **** Nice and hot. How do you like the temperature of the water?
-It feels great. It's not as hot as I expected though
The steam is beautiful Wonderful hot spring, isn't it?
-yeah and it's so big.
So, have you I've been following g the news lately?
-Well, I don't really follow the news when I'm abroad.
I've been following the news about the new US president. Were you surprise ?
-Yeah I didn't expect **Shone Pariss to win.
Oh here comes the sun! I hope the new president fixes some problems in the new year.
-I hope there will be more peace in the world.
-Let's talk about hot springs.
Tell me about your experiences **with hot springs in Japan.
-Well, I used to live in Touhoku so I love hot springs. They are so relaxing
I see.
-But I have three sisters. I love hot springs but they were too shy to use the hot springs without bathing suits.
They didn't wanna go in naked.
I see.
-They didn't wanna go in naked so they waited until the hot spring was empty. And then they went in one by one.
Your three sisters didn't wanna go in without bathing suits together?
They went in one by one.
-It took a long time.
I bet! Oh, I didn't know that. OK. So, there are somethings where** people from** Ireland are a little shy about.
-They are really shy to compare to Japanese people.