おとなの基礎英語 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
× I'll treasure it.
× Why did you come to Australia?
× Let's make a toast!
○ I wish I could stay longer.
○ How do you spell it?
× Where are we on this map?
○ I have a headache.
○ Could you take me to the city center?
× What time do we have to get up?
○ How was your trip?
○ I'm a chef from Japan.
○ How old is she in human years?
○ Calm down.
× How long are you staying here?
○ Could you do it again?
× I'm afraid of heights.
× What were you doing?
× We'll keep in touch.
○ Why don't you come to my restaurant?
× When is the right time to do it?